Incarnation Lutheran Church in Poway, CA was about to embark on a radical transformation of their sanctuary. After many years, they had finally grown tired of the deep red carpet, slumpstone walls, and wrought-iron chandeliers. 

Part of that renovation would include a new tech system. They wanted to drastically increase the lighting on stage, upgrade video and provide an audio system with clean, even coverage for everyone.

We implemented a central cluster of Fulcrum speakers with subwoofer. These were all finished in the custom woodwork color that the interior designer had specified. We installed them with the least amount of hardware to the ceiling, allowing the cleanest possible look. 

An Allen & Heath GLD digital mixing system was implemented which allows ILC the ability to craft the unique mixes required for the drastically different service types throughout the week. 

To harness the lighting, video and audio systems, we integrated a touchscreen control system. Rather than a complex lighting console, users can simply press a lighting preset such as "Walk In", "Worship", "Sermon", etc. This causes all stage and house lights to fade to their desired levels. 

With the "Easy Mode" function, any non-tech user with the proper password can operate the functions of a smaller meeting entirely with the touch screen. In this mode, the mixing console remains off, and control of a small amount of microphones is handled with the touchscreen.

The feedback from both leadership and congregation has been terrific. From leadership, we are told that of all the contractors on the project, we provided the best service as promised- without excuses and delays. From the congregation, we are told that people are experiencing clarity, and the ability to hear every word during services. 

What PDC promised during our initial consultation was exceeded a year later when the renovation was complete.
— Dale Feine - Incarnation Lutheran Church